Friday, April 4, 2014

Lab 6 - Op Amp

Operational Amplifiers I

Establish a sensor to a processing agent(micro-controller) by using a signal conditioning circuit in between otherwise known as an OP Amp with given restrictions.

1. Problem
          Design a circuit that increases the voltage range of a sensor from 0-1volts to 0-10volts at the microcontroller.

2. Given Constraints
         V_in = 0-1volts
         V_out = 0-10volts
         Current through sensor = 1mAmp
         Power = 30mVolt each
         V_source of sensor = 12volts

3.  Circuit Calculations
Establishing R_i and R_f

Establishng R_x , R_y, and R_th

4. Built Circuit

5. Data Collected
Measurement of individual components

The objective was met through successful connection of a sensor to op amp to micro-controller. The gain calculated to produce the desired voltage of 10volts was -10 and verified in the data collected. As the input voltage increased to 1volt so did the output voltage to 9.96volts.  Unfortunately, currents at V_1 and V_2 could not be measured to analyze if the overall circuit satisfied the constraint of not having over 30mWatts of power.

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